Parents will be contacted to bring appropriate dress for students not conforming to the uniform code. you for
Allshirts, cardigans, sweaters, and sweatshirts must be solid colors only. Nosymbols, labels or pictures should be seen.
Pants: All pants shall be clean, in good repair, and shall have no holes worn through, slashes or rips above the knee. Pants must be worn around the waist and may NOT drag the ground. SOLID COLORS ONLY.
Capris:All capris shall be clean, in good repair, and shall have no holes worn through, slashes or rips above the knee. SOLID COLORS ONLY.
Shorts: All shorts shall be clean, in good repair, and shall have no holes worn through, slashes or rips above the knee. SOLID COLORS ONLY. No shorter than fingertip length.
Skirts:All skirts shall be clean, in good repair, and shall have no holes worn through, slashes or rips. SOLID COLORS ONLY.
Jumpers/dresses:All jumpers/dresses shall be clean, in good repair, and shall have no holes worn through, slashes or rips. SOLID COLORS ONLY.
Shoes:Shoes must have a closed toe and a closed heel. Heel no higher than 1 inch. Wheelies are NOT allowed.
Students must store outerwear (coats, hats, gloves, scarves, etc.) in their lockers upon arrival at school. Outerwear will not be permitted in classrooms, cafeterias, libraries, corridors or other areas of the school buildings after arrival unless authorized by the school's administration.
On the shoulder backpacks are allowed.
Wheeled backpacks are NOT allowed as they do not fit in lockers and present a tripping hazard.
Head coverings and sunglasses
Hoods, scarves, curlers, bandanas, sweatbands, or other similar head coverings or adornments shall not be worn to class or within school buildings.
Caps, hats, hoods or other similar head coverings shall not be worn to class or within school buildings unless prescribed by a physician, previously approved by the school's administration for religious reasons, or approved by the school's administration for a special school activity. Sunglasses (unless prescribed by a physician) shall not be worn to class or within school buildings.
Lower Garments
Undergarments shall not be visible. Pants and shorts shall be worn at the waist, and shall not extend below the heel of the shoe in length. Tights or leggings worn as outerwear, spandex, bike shorts, bathing/swimming wear, sleep wear (including pajamas), etc., are not permitted. Shorts and skirts must be of modest length defined as a maximum of 6" above the knee of the wearer or not above the fingertip of the wearer with the arm fully extended, whichever is longer.
Religious and Health Accommodations
Where a bona fide religious belief or health need of a student conflicts with the school dress code, reasonable accommodation shall be provided. Any student desiring accommodation shall notify the school principal in writing of the requested accommodation and the factual basis for the request. Approved coverings worn as part of a student's bona fide religious practices or beliefs shall not be prohibited under this policy.
Clothing Assistance
It is the policy of the Board that no student will be denied an education due to a bona fide financial inability to obtain clothing that complies with the school dress code. Any student for whom compliance with the school dress code poses a bona fide financial burden may submit a written request for clothing needed, together with a statement of financial need. School principals, or their designees, shall assist families in financial need to obtain clothing that complies with the school dress code. In meeting requests for assistance, principals, or their designees, shall consider community resources such as clothing donations from school personnel, merchants, parent organizations, and charitable organizations, financial assistance, purchasing clothing for a student, and providing additional time for a student to obtain clothing that complies with the school dress code.
Students who elect not to conform to the dress and grooming rules set forth by this policy will be subjected to disciplinary actions and/or sanctions as defined by the district's Behavior Response Plan.